Some questions of the content of legal culture
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law, culture, legal culture, legal consciousness, state, societyAbstract
Abstract: The presented article studies the essence and content of the legal culture of modern society. The purpose of this article is a holistic analysis of the concept and content of the phenomenon of legal culture. When writing a scientific work, various methods of scientific analysis were used: synthesis, analysis, comparative analysis, dialectical approach, search and selection of facts. The article provides a typology of legal culture on the basis of its specificity and form of implementation, defines the functions of legal culture. All practical recommendations and conclusions can be used both in the educational process and in the design of state programs, concepts, normative sources. At the end of the article, it was concluded that the formation of a legal culture is a long and complex process that depends on the level of legal awareness of citizens, legal literacy and the quality of law-making activities.
Keywords: law, culture, legal culture, legal consciousness, state, society
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