Some issues of protection of employee information rights

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  • F.M. Syrlybaeva



With the development of digital technologies, the problem of protecting the information rights of an employee is of particular relevance. In most countries, the right to the protection of information rights is regarded as fundamental, because, in accordance with the European approach, it is derived from the right to the protection of privacy. At the international and supranational levels, there is a distinction between the protection of personal data in general and the protection of data in automated processing, it is the latter that is subject to more and more detailed regulation. The article discusses some issues related to the legal mediation of the circulation and protection of the information rights of workers in the context of widespread informatization and digitalization. The article considers provisions for the protection of information rights of employees in Kazakhstan and some foreign countries. There have been studied activities of the authorized body for the protection of personal data, and gaps in the legal regulation of the protection of information rights in the article. The author of the article also gave certain conclusions in the field of protection of labor information of workers. 



How to Cite

Syrlybaeva Ф. . (2022). Some issues of protection of employee information rights. BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Law Series, 140(3), 72–80.


