Problems of legal regulation of benefits indexation to persons with limited opportunities in Kazakhstan
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People with disabilities, Human Rights, benefits, social state, International Standards, payment, Legislation, State, GovernmentAbstract
The global political situation, Russian-Ukrainian conflict, as well as the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely influenced the situation in Kazakhstan at many levels, – economic, social, and political ones. In this regard, the cornerstone for the most of the RK citizens became the price formation on commodities and medicines. The pandemic has deprived many people of their source of income in the country, whereas the wage growth undergoes rather slowly. In that context a significant part of the population, including people with disabilities, entirely depends on governmental assistance. The prices rise for essential products and medicines, along with meager benefits, drives the disabled group up to the brink of survival, violating their human rights and categorically contradicts the concept of international conventions ratified by Kazakhstan, as well as local legislation regulations in this area. In the given article, the authors will attempt to consider the current benefits for people with disabilities and its correlation with continuous growth of commodities and medicines from the human rights perspective and offer some recommendations for the improving of the situation by means of the legal mechanisms.