Specialized investigative courts and judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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specialization of courts, specialization of judges, judicial specialization, specialized courts, investigative courts, investigating judge, judicial control


The paper deals with the issues of arrangement, organization and functioning of specialized investigative courts and judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The general and particular factors that were the conditions for the emergence and formation of specialized investigative courts and judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan are described.

The relevance of the chosen topic is connected with the course of development of the judiciary and the improvement of the judiciary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the principle of «specialization of courts and judges» that has lasted for three decades. At the same time, the ambitious goal of the Republic of Kazakhstan – «in 2050 to become one of the thirty leading nations of the world» makes this topic relevant. As a rule, it is impossible to achieve a given goal without a competitive national legal system that meets the new challenges of the time and all international standards in the field of rights protection. Accordingly, the relevance of the topic increases with the approval in 2015 of the Presidential Program «Plan of the Nation - 100 Concrete Steps» on 5 institutional reforms that Kazakhstan should confidently go through to enter the top thirty leading countries, strengthen the Kazakh state, create a modern state. Within the framework of the II Institutional Reform «Ensuring the rule of law», the function of judicial control over the activities of state administration and local self-government bodies, as well as criminal prosecution bodies, is of particular interest.

The viability and relevance of investigative courts and judges are shown.

Based on the results of the study, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given.



How to Cite

Ablaeva Э. (2024). Specialized investigative courts and judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan. BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Law Series, 148(3), 8–30. https://doi.org/10.32523/2616-6844-2024-148-3-8-30


